Exquisitely care for your brain
Radically love your future
The human brain is such a fantastic tool. Because of it we can think, feel, plan, connect, worship, dream, inspire, teach, and create some freaking incredible stuff!
But an overwhelmed brain can feel like a burden, like a heavy weight we have to drag through life with us.
I used to consider my brain a burden. Overwhelm and high anxiety was a normal part of my day. Brain fog and lack of concentration made it feel like I wouldn’t ever be able to achieve my goals and dreams. Headaches would steal away days at a time. Focus and clarity seemed like traits I was destined to never truly possess. And on top of all that, vascular dementia runs on my dad’s side of the family, and Huntington’s Disease runs on my mom’s side (which I live at risk for). As far as I was concerned, my brain was screwed.
But in 2014 I decided to give an elimination diet called The Whole 30 a try. That was the start of a changed life for me. I finally felt like I had a grasp on what foods worked for my body, and brain. I was so inspired that in 2017 I was certified as a Primal Heath Coach.
Looking to build on my coaching skills, in late 2017 I found The Life Coach School podcast. Brooke Castillo’s message was very concise, and very clear: I had so much more control over my brain than I was aware of. Circumstances trigger thoughts, thoughts create feeling/emotion, emotion drives action, and action creates the results of my life. Rinse and repeat. That’s how the machine of the mind/body works. So simple, and so true.
Utilizing the practical information and skills I learned, I actually started to change my brain! I could feel it happening. I was thinking differently about EVERYTHING. So, in 2018 I decided to get certified as a life coach through The Life Coach School.
I am someone who is constantly tinkering with her own mind, with a determination to keep it open to any information out there that can help others. This is how I came up with the concept of W.E.B., a self exploration tool that I believe can help anyone profoundly understand their own patterns in a compassionate way. This understanding opens the door to sustainable change, because it’s coming from a constructive place.
Sounds pretty great, right? Give it a try! Sign up for my free email series on WEB. Just click the button below.
This stuff is profound.
This stuff is life changing.