Five steps to freedom 1000


I’m so glad you decided to check out my video course on finding freedom from anxiety. I model the course around brain health, but truth be told, you can use the tools I teach in this course to find freedom from anxiety about anything.

My goal for you by the end of this course is to have created some sort of transformation in your mind. To help this transformation along, here are the worksheets that compliment this course. You’ll also find them directly under the videos they are paired with.

Neutralizing The Circumstance
Thought Download
The Physical Side of Emotion
Actions Connected to Emotion
Using the Self CoachingĀ Model

Let’s get started.

Total Viewing Time: 51 minutes

Use this worksheet to try and neutralize a circumstance in your life:

Neutralizing The Circumstance

Alright spelling sticklers, just a warning, in the following videos I forgot the “U” in the word thought. It doesn’t lessen the value of the content.

Keep watching!

Use this worksheet to do a thought download:

Thought Download

Use this worksheet to explore the physical side of emotion:

The Physical Side of Emotion

Use this worksheet to identify the actions connected to your emotions:

Actions Connected to Emotion

Use this worksheet to tie all of the lessons together into a self coaching model:

Using the Self CoachingĀ Model
The Self Coaching Model

Well Done!

I hope this video made you aware that you have much more control over your thoughts, emotions, and actions than you realized before. Anxiety is connected to your thoughts, and when you take back control of your reactive mind, you take back control of your emotions, which allows you to guide the trajectory of your life and create the results you’ve always wanted.

For more resources, please check out my website:

If you’re interested in one on one coaching with me, schedule your free 60 minute consultation to find out more:

60 Minute Consultation